Pathways to Continuing Education
What is CMEfy?
CMEfy is a bridge from a learning inspiration (like a interdisciplinary coaching moment or a clinical case discussion) and your personalized reflective journey via Reflective Practice, a personalized learning portfolio that rewards CME/CE credits for clinically relevant and meaningful reflections.
→ Designed for Dentists, Nurses, Nurse Practitioners, Pharmacists, Physician Assistants, Physicians, Social Workers, Athletic Trainers, Dietitians, Chaplains & members of the healthcare team.
CMEfy is not an accredited activity - it is simply a bridge between a learning spark and a learner-initiated point-of-care activity. Every CMEfy link acts as a pathway for you, the learner, to explore continuing education opportunities - 100% opt-in and of their choice. CMEfy and our partners do not grant any content or learning experience approval for credit.
How do I get started with my reflective journey?
Anytime you see a CMEfy learning spark (looks like, you can click to launch into a pathway that offers two options:
- A dive deeper option to research and explore more point-of-care articles via
- A pathway to reflect via Reflective Practice and unlock CME/CE Credits
- Signing-up for your Learner+ reflection account for free
- Don’t forget to provide your credential (e.g MD vs RN)
- Once signed up, you’ll be taken to the reflective activity where:
- You confirm or type your reflective spark - this is your clinically or professionally-relevant topic that’s sparking you to reflect
- Capture an initial reflection around your learning about that topic - make sure your reflection is relevant and meaningful (we’ll give you feedback!)
- Based on your initial reflection, a follow-up deeper reflection will be prompted - build on your learning with a second reflection
- Unlock your credit with a quick assessment and calibration of your reflections
- All your credits are stored in the Learner+ account you created in step 1.
- After you’ve earned all your credits, you may choose to claim these credits and generate a certificate by filling out a final evaluation.